Come on down to Daverson

Planning a party can be stressful, Often people ask us who to come to for help with entertainment, catering or party supplies.

Within the hall we have a noticeboard of such vendors who have visited us in the past

Note, These adverts are unpaid, crowdsourced and do not constitue a recommendation from the committee

If you are seeking any inflatables for the hall such as a Bouncy Castle, You need to be aware that there is limitations to the space and safe hieght of the bouncy castle.
Boucey Castles must be no more tha n12ft by 12ft (3.65mtrs) , and no higher than 9ft (2.75mtrs)
The hall is 26ft x 46ft (7.6m x 14m) (bear in mind some of this space is not usable as to not block fire escapes

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